Monday, September 17, 2007

Robert Jordan Dies

Robert Jordan died last Sunday (September 16th, 2007). Looks like he was only part-way through the last book in the Wheel of Time, so who knows what's going to happen with it.

Slashdot article here.


Tristion said...

You know, this wouldn't be so big a deal at all if he hadn't decided to turn the series into a cash cow. The series probably would have ended around book seven if he'd stuck to his original pacing. It all started going downhill after the fourth book, and his death doesn't guarantee that the series is at an end either, if what I've heard about his son helping write it is true.

The Wheel of Time series has turned into the contemporary version of "The song that never ends".

May he rest in peace. May his series do the same.

MBCannady said...

I had always assumed his son would take over in this circumstance since they had collaborated on the last book, but I don't know how I feel about some of the comments on slashdot of a completely new author taking over. How do you feel about that?